Friday, January 05, 2007

"The Year of Following Through" Part 3

2006 is almost over. I've had a little time to stop, take a look back, and sum it all up. These are the big and small moments that made up lessons I learned in 2006. This was the year of following through.

Part 3

There were definitely some intense lessons learned in 2006. I am thankful for those. I also enjoyed the lighter lessons and humorous moments that took place. In this final edition of my review of “the Year of Following Through,” I would like to mention some of the things I actually followed through with. Some are serious, some not so much. Enjoy.
  • I fell in love with leading worship and speaking on short term missions trips. In 2006 I made a concentrated effort to be involved in more of those. I spoke or led worship on at least 10 week-long trips.
  • I also joined facebook and myspace in a true shock to most of my friends. (I never thought it’d happen either…)
  • I finally got around to getting my own website.
  • I bought a Total Gym and started working out. (Thanks to my workout partner, Chuck Norris, and those of you who have noticed the change in my physique.)
  • I worked on writing more songs.
  • I finally recorded some of my original music.
  • I read more books.
  • I witnessed more.
  • I visited New Orleans a bunch.
  • I visited the Alamo in San Antonio.
  • I messed with Texas.
  • I moved in to an amazing apartment.
  • I started playing disc golf.
  • I competed in and won “the Not-so-Amazing Race.”
  • I also won my pool in the NCAA Basketball tournament. (I’m still waiting on my so called “friends” to take me to dinner.)

Now that 2007 is here, I have set some more goals for this year. Here are a few of them: I want to continue “following through.” I want to write and record more music. I want to cook more. I want to read more. I want to find my soul mate without the help of Dr. Neil Clark Warren. I want to travel to Europe. I want to be a good big brother. I want to start running. I want to learn piano. I want to be more effective in ministry. I want to know God more. I want to be a blessing to others. I want to be more of a servant.