Thursday, March 29, 2007

Forced Flexibiltiy

I had some plans for this month. Then they changed. I was upset. It started back around Christmas. I signed up to lead worship for two AIM mission trips in New Orleans back to back as well as a training session in Chicago the Saturday before. I would end that trip with another training session in Dallas before returning home to relax. And then the first phone call. The first mission trip in New Orleans fell through. I would still be able to lead for the next one and still had Chicago and Dallas lined up. Then the second phone call. The second week scratched as well. I was pretty upset. Not only because the cancellations meant I missed out on two paychecks, but because I would also miss out on seeing some close friends there (one of whom is a girl I really like). I know. Double bummer. I asked God why this was happening to me. No reply.

Another phone call. This time with slightly better news. There was a trip scheduled for Arizona that needed a worship leader. But if I went on that trip it meant Chicago was out of the picture. Bye bye Chicago(I hope to go there one day...). I was bummed. And then I went on the trip. It was being led by a project leader I had met the year before in New Orleans(where else could it have been, right?). The participants were the senior class from Lee's Summit Community Christian School in Missouri. The students did a great job and I was encouraged by the staff very much. We also heard a passionate young lady in Sunday School say that things don't happen to us, they happen for us. In worship God overwhelmed me with His presence one night. It turned out to be an amazing trip. God really spoke to me and rejuvenated me. All of the schedule change turned out to be worth it just for the encouragement alone.

Sometimes what looks like disaster turns out to be beautiful. I am amazed at how intricately organized God is especially when it comes to speaking to His children. I saw this demonstrated before the Arizona trip as well. Our regular worship leader at church had the flu and called me on Saturday to see if I could fill in for him on Sunday. Most of our musicians were out of town that day so an impromptu practice drew 4 of us together. We ended up doing an acoustic set. Rehearsal was great and I was really looking forward to Sunday. But I had one of those days where nothing seemed to really connect. The style was somewhat different than our people were used to and I goofed by having too short of a set list. I also messed up one song completely by not finding the right notes. Blah. At the end of it I felt really bad. As we were packing things up, a lady approached me with tears in her eyes. She asked me if I believed God had songs for certain people. I said yes and then she told me that she had only heard the last song we did 3 times. Each time she heard it was after dealing with a certain situation in her life. It happened that the day before she had been in that situation again. That song encouraged her even in a trial. God speaks to His people.

I've decided not to worry so much the next time my schedule changes for no apparent reason. Instead I want to see what God has in mind for that time. I'm glad God uses us in His work. I'm also glad that He works on our behalf. Just know that where ever you are, God knows. Whatever you need, God knows. Things don't happen to you; they happen for you.

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9

Thursday, March 08, 2007

The Profound and Electric Toothbrushes.

So I’ve realized that I am horrible at updating my blog. I think the reason is that I always want to write something profound. Or, at least, something well thought out. My apologies to anyone checking in every few days or so to find nothing’s changed. I’m going to try to update more frequently from now on. In the meantime, here are some thoughts from the last month and a half.

The Indianapolis Colts finally won the Superbowl with Peyton Manning at quarterback. I’m not a Colts fan (go Titans), but it was nice to see Peyton get the ‘big’ win. Even more impressive was the effort put forward in sharing the Gospel from Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith. The two coaches didn’t use the Superbowl as a forum for discussing race issues, instead they used their position of influence to spread the Truth about Jesus Christ. This was more than just a heat of the moment shout out to God at the end of a big game. This was a full page ad in USA Today and a website that you can still check out. It’s May we all use our positions of influence to share the Gospel as well.

I had a chance to lead worship on a ski retreat in West Virginia with my friend Eric Hixon of MUD Ministries. It was a great trip. There were about 8 salvations over the weekend. You gotta love it when you get to influence other’s lives for eternity and get to snow ski at the same time. Awesome. It was quite an adventure getting there though. Eric just acquired a Garmin navigational unit. Our trip together was the first trial run for the Garmin. It didn't fair well. First it wanted us to take only back roads. After a slight adjustment in programming we made it back to the interstate. The unit also sounded upset when you didn't follow directions. "Recalculating," Garmin would say with a tinge of attitude. Even worse, their were occasions when the Garmin took us somewhere that didn't exist. I was directed to a Walmart that must have been hidden in a grove of trees. That's when there was a tinge of attitude in my voice as I said "goodbye" to the Garmin.

I bought an electric toothbrush the other day. I must admit that I used to think electric toothbrushes were only for people too lazy to brush their teeth the manual way. I also figured that they didn't really clean teeth much better than a regular toothbrush. Boy, was I wrong. I picked one up at Target the other day while shopping with some friends. It was the peer pressure that got me. Plus the toothbrush was on sale. I caved. My teeth have never felt cleaner. It really feels like I've been to the dentist every time I use it (minus the pain and gum bleeding caused by that torture-like sharp pointy hook thing).

I recently began helping out with a college ministry here in town called the Well-Florence. I get a chance to lead the leadership team in worship and prayer before each meeting. So many times leaders pour out and out, but never have someone pour back in to them. This is my chance to be that encouragement for them. It's also a great way for me to stay connected when I'm at home. If you're ever in the Florence area, please check it out.

I'll write more soon. In the meantime, hope this tides you over. I've got some exciting trips coming up over the next couple of months. I'm also looking forward to the changes God is calling me to in ministry. I'm not sure exactly what that entails, but I'm sure it will be good. Please keep praying for me as I work that out. Until next time.