Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Left Laners

I'm sorry to bring this up here, but I just have to get this off my chest. I recently became more aware of a problem that is plaguing U.S. highways and interstates: left laners. I think you know who I mean. People who drive in the left (passing) lane of roads as if they are the only vehicles on the road. The people who are oblivious to the mile long train of cars behind them waiting to go faster than a comfortable 72 miles per hour. The people who don't notice frantic flashing headlights signaling kindly to move over one lane. The people who don't notice me riding on their bumper in hopes that eventually I'll overtake them before I have an aneurysm. The people who notice every random historical marker on interstates but can't seem to read this LARGE PRINT sign:

Maybe you can sense the ire in my tone. I drive. A lot. The past two weekends I traveled almost 2000 miles in and through 4 states. I can't remember how many hours I spent in my car. But I do remember the 20 drivers (no exaggeration) who treated the passing lane as their own personal driveway. I tried different ways to entice them to move over out of my way. I tried flashing my lights, tailgating, and finally waving them over with my hand (I used ALL my fingers by the way). Nothing seemed to work and it made me seriously angry. Especially at the person I waved over who waved back at me "I'm staying right here." So sorry to be a hindrance to you sir, I didn't notice your name on that lane.

I'm not a fan of passing people on the right, mainly because its dangerous. There was almost a collision in front of me because someone tried passing on the right while the person in the left lane tried moving over out of my way. But eventually I passed on the right anyway, only to find them moving over after I passed them. Not annoying at all. Really.

Look, I realize I'm not the only one out there. I'm just asking others to realize the same. In some states it's actually illegal to drive in the left lane if there are faster cars behind you. Plus, it's just plain courteous to move out of the way for faster traffic. So, if you are a left laner, I'm asking you to keep your head on a swivel. Watch for cars behind you flashing their lights and signaling you to move over. Then do it. It only takes a second. "But what if I'm already going over the speed limit?" you ask. No worries. Just remember that the left lane is for people who are going faster than you.